BMW Repair: 99 - 328i, dowel pin, salvage yard
QuestionDear Sir,
Car won't go into reverse.I see lots of complaints with the same problem. I own a business and we service all our trucks and personal vehicles. I just wanted to know if they sell replacement parts or it new tranny time. I'm not afraid to tear into it, but is it a lost cause due to parts or lack there of. thank you
AnswerIs it a standard or automatic transmission.If its an automatic its tranny time.If its a manual although its not an easy task it can be torn apart.The problem is probably a dowel pin that has fallen out.I have seen that happen and it was time consuming to do.It maybe easier to get another tranny if tearing into a tranny is a scary thought.You can look onto Ebay(an excellent place) or find one possibly in a local salvage yard