BMW Repair: 2002 530i Oil Change, haynes manual, access panel
QuestionThis sounds stupid, I know, but where's the oil filter on a 2002 530i (6 cyl)? I've done my own oil changes on various US makes, on VWs and Hondas. Got ready to change oil on my BMW for the first time and I couldn't find the plug to drain the oil for from the pan. Can you outline the basis for me? Thanks.
AnswerRay, It is on the bottom of the oil pan, but the plug faces toward the side not down to the street. Sometimes there is a small plastic access panel that you take off first, but other than that it is at the bottom of the big silver-aluminum oil pan. 17mm head. Not an allen plug (trans). I would invest in a Bentley, Chilton, or Haynes manual if you are doing some work yourself.