BMW Repair: boot release, body cavity, hotel position
QuestionI have an e46 318ci sport convertible 2004 model and i have a problem with my boot. Sometimes i am unable to open the boot by just normally pressing the release button on the boot. on occasions like this i have to use the release button on the key. this problem happens randomly and goes away randomly. it happened the other day and i open the boot by pressing the release button on the key and then i closed the boot whilst my keys were in there accidently and i couldn't open it again until i went and got my spare key. i tried locking and unlocking the car plenty of times by pressing the lock button in the car but no good. at the times it works i tried to play around with the release button on the boot but that seems to be working fine. could there be an electrical fault with a module or something? or what else could it be? your help would really be appreciated. thank you
AnswerOzie, make sure the lock cylinder isn't in the horizontal (hotel) position. This locks out the trunk & glove box to Hotel Valets. Does the interior trunk release button work at all times? Check the rubber boot that houses the wires between the body cavity and the trunk. Pull the boot and check that the wires running through it aren't chaffed or broken. Inspect the release button on the trunk lid for being deformed or caved in. You may have an intermittenly electrically faulty latch.