BMW Repair: E46 318i replacing crank oil seal, crankshaft seal, oilseal

QUESTION: Hi Evan, what's involved in replacing the front crank oilseal as I have more than a few drops seeping from this area. Do in need a pully puller to do the job or is it able to be done by removing the nuts securing it. Also to extract the seal, is this a simple case of removal? thanks for you great feedback across this site.

ANSWER: Tony, we don't have this engine in the U.S. If you give me the last seven digits then I may be able to help to identify what motor it is and go from there to find instructions.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the response Evan, I didn't think of the fact of different engines in different parts of the world, I am in Australia. The engine number is 00 169035 it is a 1.9 litre 318i.

Tony, I need the VIN number at the bottom drivers corner of the windshield or on the drivers door b-pillar sticker. Or off the registration. The engine number is not what I am looking for. BMW makes about five different flavors of four cylinder engines. None of them in the U.S. market. I need to know exactly what motor you have. Different motors require different tools. I will pretend that you have a M44B19 engine from the U.S. That is the last four cylinder in our country. To remove the balancer via central bolt use special tool 11 2 410 plate and balancer holder 11 2 150. The bolt is on with 330Nm of torque. Release bolt and discard. Use new center bolt upon reinstallation and torque to 330Nm. Lightly oil threads of bolt. Next remove balancer and crankshaft seal. Should be able to carefully pry it out. Use special tools 11 2 313 and 11 2 310 if needed. install new seal flush with housing use oil on lips of seal and crankshaft and apply a little RTV to the outside diameter of the seal and timing cover housing to keep the seal in place. Use 11 4 150 to install if you wish. This is for the M44 1.9L U.S. motor.