BMW Repair: 2003 bmw 325i E46 how to replace blower resistor, phillips screws, 2003 bmw 325i

Is this the same proceedure for a 2003 325i sedan? Because my a/c control works but no air comes out the vents. It only has 54K miles on it.

Jodi, The E46 blower resistor is harder to remove than the E39 but if your game I'll tell you. Open the Glove box. Remove the three phillips screws across the top of the open box. Remove the two phillip screws that are deeper in on the sides of the open box(nine and three o'clock). Hard to see, use your flashlight. With these five screw removed remove the glove box. Disconnect the flashlight charger plug, and the glove box light connector. Pay attention to the wire routing. Remove plastic cover behind glove box. Locate motor and metal link to one of the a/c doors. Remove the metal arm from the plastic clip. Slide motor out and disconnect. There is an odd shaped black plastic piece with two T-20 or 25 Torx screws that need to be removed. Remove plastic piece. The Final stage is located behind the metal arm for the a/c door. I remove the floor heater duct for more room. You may or may not feel the need. If you wish pull on the leather extension to the center console outward until you hear a loud plastic cracking. Stop. Take a deep breath and know that you have broken nothing important Remove heater duct careful not to break the blend air door cam (white) and the lever connected to it (black). You can pull that black lever out if you are patient. Back to the final stage now that you have more room. It is the component with the 5 0r 6 large gauge wires on the connector. Push back the black plastic clamp while pulling/wiggling on the connector. The final stage should come out, then disconnect the connector. Reinstall all. Make sure the heater duct is installed properly if you removed it.

Rocky, that is the one. You don't have to move the airduct for the floor if you can work around it. Check out some bimmer enthusiast sites for pictures if you need them. The final stage resistor is up against the firewall and will have a square shaped connector with several wires going to it. Some are heavy gauge wires. There was also a set of instructions I gave back in late 8/06 aswell.