BMW Repair: m3 clutch, openion, design fault
Questionhi evan thankyou for the info,had the clutch pressure bleed but no air at all what is happening is that it will go in to gears but when up to running temp it does get very hard to get in to gears when under a little hard gassing it goes form one to three ok but when i put it into forth it crunches and yes the trans fluid was changed before the new clutch went in,i have good clutch peddle but the bitting point is very low about an inch of the floor,and as i say when you put her in to gear s it is very hard,my friend is aqualified mechanic so i assume he would have put the clutch in properly but i do not under stand about this special tool evan, please can you advise as to what i should do next i am coming to a point where i want to take to afield and torch it just to get some satisfation of all this grief it is causes but i have spoken to a few people and they are of the openion that there may be a design fault my car has the six speed box 3.2 evolution m3
AnswerRaf the special tool fully depresses the slave cylinder so you can bleed it completely. I can't remember if you took the car to the dealer and asked their opinion. Did your friend take the clutch back out after bolting it up and removing the key for the Self adjusting clutch?