BMW Repair: 1996 3281C convertible top problem, bentley service, service writer

I have been trying to troubleshoot a problem with my top opening.  I did a manual retraction, reengaged and reset the motors.  The top lid closed and the the top came up without a problem.  The top then wouldn't retract.  I then pushed the top back a few inches and it worked!  No bad motors! Whew!  Looks like I have a bad or misadjusted micro switch somewhere in the top.  Where?  What can I do to correct this problem?  I have the Bentley service manual but it is of little help.  Thanks!

Philip, I would ask your BMW part person or service writer to print you out Bulletins 54 08 96 and 54 02 00. You can adjust the tension straps at the location shown in the bulletin or just replace them. If you haven't had them replaced before then I would replace them.