BMW Repair: Where to get Final stage resister plz. BMW 318i,year 1998, climate control unit, resistor pack

I have read thru some of your replies and must say your doing a great job and i must thank you in advance. Now I will be really grateful if you can help me with regards to my car blower.
, I have a BMW 1998 318i,4door, bought it a month earlier and now have a problem with my climate control and specifically the heating blower , it somehow does not blow air at all and it is becoming icreasingly difficult to cope with colder weather. I will be really grateful if you can guide me what the problem is. The blower of the fan now rarely switches on and mostly does not work at all, the climate control unit does work but the fan doesnot seem to respond to it all. It would though sometimes switch on if i am on a slope or break suddenly but then again its not always. I am suspecting a loose connection but somebody suggested a resister tobe the cause of the fault. My climate control in contrast is on most of the time but sometimes the screen goes blank but probably its because of the fan too. Interestingly i checked the AC pipes and have seen them tobe quite often freezing while my climate control is on heater settings, ie above 25 degrees. Somebody told me that its the resister, if so where do i get it from and how do i replace it. I will be grateful if can help me.

Khattak, you have two options, either the blower resistor is intermittently faulty or the A/C control module (panel) is faulty. The blower resistor pack can be obtained from a BMW part counter or a bimmer parts website. The A/C control panel can be repaired with a set of instructions. Sometimes it is hard to tell which component is faulty. The blower resistor pack is accessed from the drivers footwell. Remove the under paneling in the footwell and the resistor is located in the side of the heater box. It has four heavy gauge wires going to it. I would try to swap this unit out with a friend's or a new one. You could try to check for voltage output from the control unit if you are electrically inclined. If the control unit turns off by itself then chances are that a capacitor in the control unit itself has failed. Please check out this website for a self repair (
Or you can purchase new module and have it coded by the dealer.