BMW Repair: Second fuse box location 2001 530i, fuse box, fuel pump relay

Where is the second fuse box located on the 2001 530i.  I recently purchased car with no manuals.  Thanks

Dear Ron,
The main fuse box is inside the glove box. The second is behind the right rear luggage compartment trim. Rarely, you may also need to access the 5 fuse set inside the E-Box in the engine compartment.
The E-Box is the covered box either at the left or right rear area of the engine compartment (depending on the vehicle). It has all kinds of big cables going into it and you will not miss it. Sometimes, the microfilter housing hides it from view. This  houses the main control modules (engine, transmission, anti-theft), engine and fuel pump relay, and ignition fuses (5 fuse mini-box). You do not routinely open up the E-Box.
Additional info based on READER'S COMMENTS:
High numbered fuses and high amperage fuses are usually in the right side of the luggage compartment.
I repeat, the main fuse box is in the glove box, and the second is in the right side of the trunk.