BMW Repair: trunk release works sometimes, diagnostic computer, trunk release
QuestionThe trunk release on my 2002 325CI (30,000 mi) when activated with the remote key or the trunk release button sometimes will not unlock. What it does is release and lock very fast. Push the button and it will unlock and immediately lock again. Sometimes it works fine but it is getting more frequent that it doesn't. Any suggestions?
AnswerHi Carlton,
I think you have a bad trunklid lock. The lock in your car has a built-in actuator which when signalled electronically by the key remote, or the interior switch, or the trunklid button,
should unlock the lid. But there is an off chance that the general module which covers central locking is signalling the actuator to relock again after it unlocks.
You can replace the lock yourself. But the general module is a different story. It is located behind the glove box and its data should be read by a BMW diagnostic computer before it is replaced. Then after replacement, it transfers the data to the new module and proceeds to code it.