BMW Repair: 94 318is suspension, sudden vibration, front suspension
QuestionThere is strong vibration on my right front wheel whenever i go beyond 60 miles on the express way. It feels like is coming from my right front suspension. My left front suspension is just fine. My front tires are almost new. Two days ago, i had all my springs replaced with oem springs because the car was lowered. When the car was lowered, the car's suspension and the drive were fine. I remembered my mechanic told about the strut tower, but he said he would fix it. I am wondering why i have this sudden vibration only on one side - front right, after installing OEM springs? Do I need a new Strut and strut tower? My car is 94 318is and the OEM springs I recently installed is from 93 318is, should this matter? Please help me, this is the only car I have and I cannot even drive on the expressway.
First off, you need to find out if the vibration is speed-related. What I mean by that, is that "does the vibration get worse in proportion to how fast you are going?" Like if you were doing 60mph with a small vibration, would it increase at 70mph? Increase again at 80mph? If it's like that, then it's probably your tire. Either you have a tire with a defect that is causing a lump to form on the tread (seen it happen). If its not speed related then it could be one of several things. I just hope the mechanic tightened everything back how it was supposed to be. If your problem is not speed related, I would take it back to the mechanic and say "hey, after you did this work I've got a terrible vibration at hwy speeds... I need you to check it out and fix the problem"
Good luck,