BMW Repair: 2003 325i front brake pads replacement, american cars, mini cooper s

The replacement pads will be thicker than the old ones I am removing.  Do I just push the calipers back in like on older American cars and don't overflow the reservoir?  My 1997 Miata was complicated but doable if you followed the directions. And my 2000 Beetle was impossible.  Finally took it to someone else.  Could never get the calipers to retract.  

 I know what you are talking about, I think the beetle requires a $40 tool that will twist the piston as it pushes it back in.  Mini Cooper's (made by BMW) are the same way on the rear.  Unfortunately I'm not that experienced with the newer BMW's and their brakes, but I have NEVER heard of anyone having troubles; especially from the front brakes.  I'm 99% sure that you can push them in with a C-clamp.

 Good luck,