BMW Repair: Headlight (zenon) problems, xenon headlights, zenon lights
QuestionOk, Hi again. Here's the other problem I have been experiencing. The car has zenon lights if that makes a difference. When I hit a bump, the lights will "flash". The flash is the same as the momentary flash you see when you turn the headlights on. I have checked the connections and nothing seems loose. Ok, now for the good part. Aside from the flashing when hitting a bump, once in a while one of the low beam zenon lights will go out. If I turn the lights off for a second, it will come back on. Both lights do this occationally, and not when hitting a bump or anything. Does this completely randomly, and the light will not go back on until you turn the light off and back on. If you have the fog lights on, it will go out with the headlight above it. The high beams are not affected at any time. It wouldn't bother me too much, but people have been complaining of burned retina's after going by when I have my high beams on. Once again, any help you can give would be much appreciated.
Thanks Much-
AnswerMark, do both lights flicker at the same time or do they do it seperatly. Do you have any warranty left on your vehicle? The most problems I come across with the Xenon headlights are with the Ignitor coil unit inside the light assembly. Accasionally I see a faulty control unit, but that happens more with permanent failure of the head lights. What happens if you pound with your hand around the light switch when this is happening?