BMW Repair: drive belt replacement for 86 325e, c bracket, jackstands
QuestionMy alternator/fan belt broke. I figured out how to slip the replacement belt on around the fan blades but realized that I need to take off the AC and power steering belts first. The power steering belt looks easy enough -- same kind of tensioning bracket as the alternator belt. But it's the AC belt I can't figure out. How do I loosen the belt? I don't want to do anything stupid with compressed freon, you know? I see a bolt that looks like a hinge holding the compressor on, and if I peer way down toward the bottom of the car, I see something that looks like a bracket, but that can't be it, can it? Thanks for your help.
That's it... There is actually two bolts. One on the front of the compressor, and one on the back. The easiest way to do this job will definately be to raise the front end and support with jackstands (or use ramps from Autozone)
You need to loosen both sides of the A/C bracket (bottom) and then use the geared bolt to move the compressor inward. Its a pain to get the belts on/off, but hopefully you wont have to do this again for a while.
Good luck,