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I have a 2003 BMW 325 xi. In recent months, I have noticed some vibrations in the seats, steering wheel, and doors. The vibrations are subtle, but noticebly there. The vibrations are present when the car is on and NOT moving as well as when I am driving. We did put non-OEM tires (Michelins), and I do attribute some of the excess vibrations to that, but the car still vibrates when it's not moving. The dealer says it's normal for the xi; it was not like this when we bought it.
The car has 46000 miles on it. We had the muffler replaced because there was a cranking noise when the car was turned off (turns out the new muffler makes that noise, too.) After the new muffler was installed, we had to take the car back in because it wasn't adjusted, and the car was SO loud. I think the vibrations may be related.
The vibration is bad enough that I don't like to drive the car anymore. My friend's 2000 Hyundai runs smoother than my BMW!
Answer -
Mojee, Is your vehicle still under warranty? How was the muffler not adjusted? Michelin pilot tires in the correct size are BMW approved tires. Have you had the ignition coils replaced as part of the 12 13 05 recall? Ask the dealer if they can look into service measure 33 200 05. Is the vibration subtle or bad enough to not drive your car, because you said both. I don't know if swapping the tires would be of any help because you said the new ones made it worse, but also said you feel it at idle. Does this happen with the A/C on or off? Cold engine or hot engine? Be more specific with when this happens.
Thanks, Evan. The car is still under warranty, but barely - that's why I want to get it taken care of quickly. I guess the vibrations are more than subtle. They don't cause me to shake or anything, but I can feel them. There is no pattern for when they are worse. When the A/C or fan are on, even on low, the vibration is there but get's a little better when I turn it off. Then, while the AC or fan are off, the vibrations go back to where they were.
It doesn't matter if the engine is cold or hot. It's there when I start it, then the vibrations subside (just slightly) and then they come back.
Regarding the muffler, I don't know what I meant by adjusted. I guess it was not put on correctly the first time because the car sounded like it had no muffler. The dealer did something to it (they said they "adjusted" it) and it got a little better, but it's still loud when I accelerate.
I don't believe I had the ignition coils replaced. I will ask about that. I am taking it to another BMW dealership tomorrow, and I wuold like to sound a little knowledgeable. I cannot believe that this is normal for the AWD models, which is what the dealership in our city told us.
Thakn you for your help!
AnswerMojee, ask the new dealership to check into the recall and service measure I mentioned. Don't give them a copy of this correspondence. Also ask if they can check the smooth running values of the engine and give you a copy of the diagnositic report. You should also insist on driving with the shopforeman to show him/her what you are speaking of eliminating the chance of a 'no problem found' situation.