BMW Repair: dist.install w/out alienment mrks, cam shaft, btdc



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Question -
O&E distributor was replaced but not marked when removed so i have no alinement marks for the new dist. on the harm. balancer are two pins are these the timing marks ? i found the timing pin above the harm. bal. which pin is 0% and which is 15% btdc or the engines rotation is clock or counterclock wise? on the dist position the dist. vac. advance is near the f.wall pointing towardsx the steering wheel is that the basic position.

Answer -
 you will have to do some searching for the Distributor part, but you are adjusting ignition timing.  In the last email I was talking about mechanical timing, such as both gears are in turned the correct way before the timing chain/belt is installed.  

 The 0°-15° is for a timing light to see when the spark plugs are firing (ignition timing).  BTDC = Before Top Dead Center, or when the piston is at the VERY top of it's stroke.  The ignition can be advaced or retarded to affect how the engine runs.  

 Good luck,

josh my name is eric im helping kim fix her car.  a more direct question i have installeed the new dist. no.1 is at tdc  the first mark is -15%btdc and the second mark is 0% tdc is that correct?  the appx position of the dist. with the vaccume adv.on the firewall side of the dist pointing towards the drivers seat ? if so then the no.1 position of the rotor and dist. cap on the passenger front of the vehicle.  opposite the vaccum adv. on the dist.( i am trying to get a visual picture in  my mind of the dist. to confirm i have the dist. on or close to the tooth of the cam.shaft timming gear) i hope i have described this in manner that you understand what im asking. also i would like to thank fotr your assistance in this matter i didnot know about thius web site i look forward to talking with you again iwas an ass. mechanic for the fire service in loomis for four years i go by erock on the net  

 No problem it's my pleasure to "try" to help you.  I will admit, I am no expert with the 4-cylinder cars, I have only owned the 6-cylinder's.  However I have worked on plenty of the 4-cylinders and know my way around pretty well.

 This is the BMW system they use at the dealerships to look up parts, and this is the distributor.

 Also I found this on the net:

 I would purchase a manual for the car so any other failures will be easily fixed in the future.  Unfortunately I'm stumped with this problem, and since I cannot physically see the car its very hard for me to make guesses as to what the problem is.

 Good luck,