BMW Repair: M3 Vadar power seats, m3 coupe, seat motor
I have been able to maintain and work on my 1999 M3 coupe. My question is in regards to the removal of the power seat motor (driver side). Do I have to remove the seat from the car? Or can I move the horizintal contol all the way forward use the manual lift, (lift that allows access to the back seat) and remove the motor that is underneath the seat at the rear. Reason being is that I have lost ability to recline/incline power seats. Actually I can decline just can't incline. I always adjust my seats while not underload, once I got the car I rarely adjusted them. Went in for a state inspection and a rather heavy guy while sitting in the car adjusted my seats all the way back and down. When I got back the seats were not back to near normal position so I adjusted them and heard cracking of gears in the power motors. I understand that this is a common issue on the e36 and can replace the broken gear inside the motor with a manufactured one $40.00, (dealer only sells total assembly $500.00 + parts/labor). Motor and switch seem fine. Do you think I'm on the right path or is removing the power seat motor difficult for even a mechanically inclined individual. Also since you are in the repair industry would the state inspection (TX) location have to carry insurance that would cover these things? Preparing myself to do the repair if the shop that did the inspection is not prepared to accept responsability. Thanks for the info.
AnswerBarret, I am not aware of repair for the seat motor because as you say we always replace the motor along with the worm cables. I usually remove the seat. Four bolts one at each corner of the seal rails. Tilt the seat back (now unbolted) remove the seat connector only with the key off or you will induce an airbag light. I usually leave seat belt connected and swing seat out of the car to replace the motor/trans cables. As for your issues with the inspection department I am in CA so you are on your own there. If you remove the head rest the seat is easier to remove. If not then use two people to move the seat (very heavy). Good luck.