BMW Repair: replace ment of signal bulb in 328i, bmw 328i, lamp unit
Questionhow to replace front singal bulb 1999 bmw 328i
how to take the front light assembly out
You dont say if your car is an E36 or an E46 and I can only tell you how to do the E36 (though I doubt that the later car is much different).
You can get to the indicator (turn signal lamp) by using a medium length screwdriver to release the flat clip that is attached to the lamp unit (have a look with a torch down the side and back of the lamp. It's a flat plastic tab with a vague barb shape) and sliding the lamp forward out and away from the bodywork. There are two locating pins that locate into the vertical part of the wing/fender and to replace the bulb you simply twist out the holder and replace the bulb. to refit is the reverse taking care not to snap the locating pins.
Hope this helps!