BMW Repair: 85 BMW 318i Fuel Injector Issue, demolition derbies, wd 40


Thanks for your quick reply. I just went down and picked up the injector that were in the BMW, they are quite dirty. I do not have a parts cleaning bath so what is the easiest and safest way to clean these. A friend suggested spraing them down real good with a penetrating cleaner like WD-40. I want to get your opinion on hand cleaning ideas. Like I said this is a car that is going to be used in a demolition derby type of race, so I do not want to spend any money if possible. Oh, I did talk to the guy from the shop, he said that the car would start, run for a few seconds then stall out. My one friend said that it may be a clogged fuel filter, then my thought is that maybe the gas is bad because it has been sitting for a couple of years. Any thoughts?

Followup To

Question -

I am not a mechanic by any stretch. That being said, I have always enjoyed demolition derbies and have driven a few in my day. Now my nephew is driving in full contact short track racing in  compact division. Recently a friend has offered us an '85 BMW 318i. This friend owns a body shop and this car was abandoned about 3 years ago. The car is trashed to the point of not being able to restore so the shop was going to fix it up for the race but they think that it has a fuel injection problem. They have pulled the fuel rail off and it is getting gas that far, but beyond that they haven't done much more. They decided that they need to replace the fuel injectors. I have not tried to fire the car up, but I would like to know how difficult and expensive the replacing of fuel injectors are. I need a cheap fix that will give us about 25 minutes on the track. We have 6 minute heats to complete as many laps as possible in full contact, do you think that this type of car would run strong in something like this? Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Tom

Answer -
 This is a rather odd question, but I will try to answer as best as possible.

 Fuel injectors are not terribly hard to replace, and you should look to pay around $50 per injector.  

 The car handles VERY well, but lacks in accelleration.  They are relatively light as well (2800lbs) so if a larger heavier car hits it, it will not fare as well.  But since the car will likely out-handle any American car (minus a new corvette) it could possibly be faster.  

 Good luck,

 if the car has been sitting, it is likely that the gas is bad.  Just drain it, and refill.  

 You can use WD-40, and it might help, but something like paint thinner/or carburettor cleaner would be the best.  You can buy buckets that are full of carb cleaner, and they are for dipping a whole carburettor in.  You can use it for your injectors too.
 Good luck,