BMW Repair: BMW starter verses battery, starter solenoid, wd40
QuestionI have a 2001 X-5, It has not been starting until the 6th or 7th try and all I hear is a clicking, then it finally starts on the 7 th or so try, usually, the lights blink while it is clicking, do you think this sounds more like the battery or starter? Thank you, Paige
Sounds like a dodgy conection to either the battery or the starter. Clean the terminals and spray with WD40 or equivalent. Check the charge rate (most good tyre/battery shops will do this but beware them trying to sell you a new battery!) and try to give the starter/solenoid a good tap with a hammer before you start it next time to see if that helps. Had a similar complaint about two questions ago and turned out to be connections. Is it cold (winter)? as this could affect the battery. Try a different battery to see if that works.
Hope you sort it, let me know.