BMW Repair: 1984 bmw 318i engine dies, fuel pressure regulator, 1984 bmw 318i

why won't my 1984 318i continue to run after it starts? Fuel line is clear and injectors seem to be getting power...fuel pressure is at 40 lbs.

 Ok, we are pretty sure (95%) that you are getting fuel, as your pump is obviously working.  The only other possibility is the fuel pressure regulator, or the injectors are clogged.  I doubt this is the case, but it "could" happen.

 There are only a handful of reasons that will stop an engine from running correctly: lack of fuel, lack of spark, or timing.

 Lack of fuel has been checked, and we can go on to check other areas.

 Spark, it's obviously getting "some" spark, as it initially starts, but fails to sustain smooth operation.  If a tune up on the ignition system has not been performed in the last few years, now is the time.  An ignition tune-up consists of: spark plugs, plug wires, distributor cap and rotor, and the coil.  These items should not be too expensive; maybe $50.

 Timing, this could technically be an issue, however its hard to believe.  This usually happens when the timing belt gets loose and alows the timing gears (on crankshaft and camshaft) to get a tooth or more out of time.  This will have the valves opening too early, spark plugs firing at the wrong time, and in severe cases, result in engine damage because a valve is down when the piston comes up (contact).

 So my oppinion is that you are lacking sufficient spark.  There is probably some spark there, but the wires are old and they dont transfer that energy as efficiently.

 I would pull a spark plug first, to make sure that its coated in fuel.  if you are spinning the engine over without it starting, then the plugs will be coated with fuel.  If they are, then you KNOW 100% that there are no fuel issues.  Then spark is the only other option.

 Good luck,