BMW Repair: oil pan replacement 89 BMW 325i convertible, ford f 150, chilton manual
QuestionI am wondering how complicated it is to replace the oil pan on a 1989 325i convertible....I ran into a curb (duh...wearing "stupid" button today) and tore a huge gash in the oil pan. A couple of mechanics have quoted labor in the $400-$500 range (I live in Silicon Valley) so I am imagining there must be more to this than just popping it off and putting a new one on, (like I can on my 79 Ford F-150). I am seeing a replacement pan online for about $200. I am pretty adept mechanically - what should I be looking out for? Also, what's a good manual for this car? Any help appreciated - thanks!
It happens, most people lower their BMW's for better handling, and end up hitting them on speed bumps. It's actually pretty common.
The Oil pan isn't really hard to remove. It will probably be messy, but it should be as simple as removing the nuts and dropping the pan. You will probably have to play with the pan to get it out, as the engine support member is below the pan.
I would do it myself if I were you, and save the money.
The 'best' manual on the market for our cars is the Bentley Manual. They are a little pricey, but they are by-far the best.
The next would be a Haynes/Chilton Manual that you can pick up at the local autozone or other parts store.
Good luck,