BMW Repair: Power Window, razor blade, vapor barrier

I have a 2K 740iL ant the passenger side rear window does not go down. It makes a rattling/crunching sound as if something has come loose or disconnected. How do I go about getting the door panel(s) off without damaging or scratching them so I can at least see what the problem might be?

Julius, Your window regulator (lifting mechanism)is broken. Please replace it. Remove screw in inner door handle. There may be a screw in the vent duct. Pry panel off starting at bottom and moving toward the top. Push the inner door handle through it's opening. Grab the arm rest handle and pull up pretty forcefully. There is a black plastic square clip that will stick on the door and needs to go on the panel when reinstalling. Remove all connectors and speakers. Carefully use a razor blade to remove the vapor barrier to access the regulator. Replace the vapor barrier if it tears too much. This is a hard one so hang in there.