BMW Repair: blower motor resistor, blower motor resistor, 525i bmw
Question1st where would i find the blower motor resistor on a 1992 525i bmw.
when i was looking for the part i noticed there was two one was the sword that cost about 200.00 the other only cost 25.00 what is the difference thank you
AnswerRay, I'm terrible with these cars, but I want to learn too. So I asked someone who is more experienced with these cars. This is what I came up with. If you have Automatic air conditioning then you need the $200.00 Sword and it is located in the passenger foot well toward the middle on the side of the central heater box (Two bigger connectors). If you have the Regular A/C with the manual knobs then the $25.00 Resistor is needed and is located on the opposite side in the drivers footwell on the side of the heater box (4 wires). Either way please let me know what you find and if this is correct. I would check to see which one you have before buying.