BMW Repair: anti theft security code, theft security, electrical problem

i just purchased a 1988 325i convertible and set the security code. after setting it the onboard computer panel lights never came back on again. i disarmed it with the lights out, remembering my code and then set it again, still with the panel lights out because they did not come back on. now i cannot disarm it? sounds like an electrical problem because i don't have any lights of the onboard computer panel. i'm sure i remembered the code as it is a code i have used over and over for many years. suppose that i did put it in wrong, is there any way to reset if that is the problem? please help me trouble shoot. I'm locked out of my awesome new/old car. thanks  

 It's a common problem for the bulbs to blow in the on board computer.  They go bad quite often, and you can only read the screen if light is shined at a certain angle.

 I would replace the bulbs and go from there.

 hope this helps,