BMW Repair: bmw 325 shuts down, bmw 325, buld
Questionmy 86 bmw 325 starts and shuts off checked fuel pressure it is good seems like injectors are shutting off
Sorry for the late reply, the Pollen got the best of me and I was sick all weekend.
You checked Fuel pressure, but what about spark? Make sure the engine is firing as well.
You can buy "injector diodes" at the local parts store. The plug in between the injector and the electrical connector, and they have a buld that lights when the injector is recieving signal. I would put a few of these on different injectors and turn the engine over to make sure they are flashing. if all is well, then move on to another area. When the car finally does start, does it smell like its running rich (exhaust smells like unburned gas, worse than normal exhaust).
Keep checking, you'll find it.