BMW Repair: 528e starts and then dies, fuel pump relay, fuel pumps
QuestionI have a 1987 528e (2.7L I6). When I go to start it , it will fire up but then dies immediately. I pulled the intake hose off and there is fuel running out of the throttle body and into the hose. It must be coming from the cold start injector, but when I try to start it with that top injector unplugged it will not start at all. I can hear both fuel pumps running if I short the fuel pump relay, and I obviously get spark (will run for a bit on ether) but it seems that the main injectors are not firing. Please Help!!
Good work so far. The fuel running out of the intake has to be the cold start injector (opposite side of the intake manifold). It's probably running ONLY on the cold start injector. You can go to the local parts store and pick up "injector diodes", they are a little light that flashes when the injector pulses. So instead of trying to listen for the injectors to click, you can actually see a light flash when the injector fires. You can put these between the injector and the wiring connector. So this will help to see if they are firing at all.
Other than that, it would have to be a wiring issue. Rodents are notorious for chewing on wiring, so make sure a rat hasn't made a little buffet out of your wiring harness.
Hope this helps,