BMW Repair: BMW 325i 1993 Check Engine Light, ss ss, fuel mixture

Thank you for your response Mr. Sandidge,
Should I just go ahead and replace the oxygen sensor then?  Is it very dangerous to drive the car without replacing it? Can you tell me more what the ox sensor does and how I can "perfect" the situation?
Thanks a lot, really, for all your help and advice.

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Hi Mr. Sandidge,

I checked the light blinking and I think it was looping for a little while.

I doubled checked and the pattern is as the following:

Notations: S-Short blinking, L-Long blinking,____-interval


I hope what I did is correct, if not..please further advice..I am so sorry to be not knowledgeable..but thanks a lot for your help and advice.


Followup To
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Hi Mr. Sandidge, I own a BMW 325i 1993.  After pumping gas today and I restarted the car, the check engine light is on.  I don't know why...I drove home and turn off the car and turn it on again, the check engine light is still there.  I looked at the gas cap and put it back again, but the light is still on. I don't know why..can you please tell me what is wrong? thanks a lot Mr. Sandidge. your comment would be really helpful.
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The gas cap wont set a code on these cars, only 1996 up.
Turn the key to the start position and press the gas pedal all the way to the floor 5 times within 10 seconds.
Let me know how many long and short flashes the light blinks out.Give it time to go all the way through and then turn the key off, wait,and do it again to doublecheck the code(s).
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Code 1221 indicateds an ox senser problem.
You can either buy a Bentley manual to check out the heater circuit and senser circuit or try a new one.

This is a general code for the 02 system and is just a guide.
The o2 is responsible for your fuel mixture,and it also contains a small heater in it to get it up to temp when you start the car.
If you want to throw parts at the car without a mechanic looking at it the give it a try.