BMW Repair: replace front disc pads and rotors on 1997 528i, allen screw, mechnic
QuestionWhat tools are needed to take apart the calaper to remove the discs pads and the procedure to do so. How are the rotors removed so they can be replaced. I am not a mechnic but I have replced disc pads on american cars several times.
Answerno special tools needed. remove the caliper from its mount I think it is 17 mm bolts, remove the 5mm allen screw that holds the rotor on, the rotor may be rusted on, so hit the back of the rotor with a hammer, push the piston back into the caliper, replace the brake wear sensor. keep in mind that the brake pads on that car are directional-at least the bmw pads are- so check the back of the pads to see if they are labelled left and right---R-passenger side wheel and L-driver side wheel. also check the level of the fluid in the brake fluid resevoir, if it is near the top or full, you may want to suck a little bit out otherwise it will overflow when you push the pistons back in. and don't forget to pump the brake pedal a couple of times before you go to drive the car or you'll end up crashing into something.