BMW Repair: radio speakers wont come on, radio speakers, 325 bmw
Questionhello i have a 86 325 bmw and i had installed a radio with a disk player in the car the radio will come on but i cant get the speakers to work when we touch the wires together we get a noise in the speaker but no sound can you help
will wait for your reply we cant figue what color wire is for the speaker and i do think thats what we need to know note my first disk player was stolen out look like the wires were eather cut or just pulled out
AnswerI don't have a wiring diagram for that car. usually, speaker wires are colored alike in pairs. for example, you may have 2 wires that are for 1 speaker colored purple and purple with a white stripe. how many wires do you have coming from the car that are not connected to anything?