BMW Repair: 1986 325 BMW SPARK PLUG SETTING, spark plug gap, 325 bmw
Questioni have a 1986 325 bmw, and need to change the spark plugs. the car seems to be running on 5cylinders. what is the correct setting ?
AnswerI'm not sure the solution to the car running on 5 cylinders is replacing the spark plugs. do you get spark out of the spark plug side on each of the 6 wires? if so, it's more likely you have a fuel or timeing issue. what is happining that suggests that a cylinder isn't fireing? I would suggest a full tuneup if it has not recently been done. give me more details about what is happining with the car.
When you go to the autoparts store, they have on file what the spark plug gap is for your car. also, be sure to use OEM when replaceing spark plugs because the entire ignition system is made for BOSCH plugs.