GMC Repair: blower motor, variable voltage, blower fan
QuestionQUESTION: 2003 Tahoe 5.3 V8 gas. The front unit blower fan was intermittent and now has stopped working completely. I suspect either the in-dash control or the resistor. The resistor has variable voltage coming out depending whether the unit is on or off, but it only varies between 3-5 volts.
ANSWER: Did you test the resistor? I would go to radio shack to get one. around $1.50. If that does not work, it may be the switch or the motor itself.
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QUESTION: I re-read my question and realized that it didn't make any sense. What I would really like to know is how do I test the resistor? It is electronic. What are you recommending that I get from Radio Shack? A resistor or a tester?
AnswerI would replace the resistor. If radio shack has a interchangeable resistor I would buy a few there. To test the resistor, I would first run a scanner. Auto-zone and O'reilly's will do it for free. and see what comes up. This is a common problem with GM.