GMC Repair: Fuel Pump?, electric fuel pump, gmc vandura

Hi, Marvin. I have a 1989 GMC Vandura 2550 Van with a 5.7l engine. Recently, it stopped running all of a sudden after my wife drove it to work a few days ago. It cranks just fine, but it will not start. I'm no car repair expert by any stretch of the imagination, but my first guess was that it was not getting gas. I had the car towed back home and since then, I've done the "simple" things before tackling the fuel pump: 1) replaced the distributor cap and rotor, and replaced the fuel filter. It still wouldn't start, however, I poured a small amount of gas directly into the carburetor and it fired right up, but then died quickly after that "injection" of gas was used up. It sure sounds like the electric fuel pump is not working, but I wonder if maybe there might be something wrong with the carburetor injectors or something. Oh, also, when I turn the key on and listen for the sound of the electric fuel pump, I hear nothing. What do you think? Fuel pump? Carburetor?

There have been a few times when I put in electric or electronic auto parts, sometimes even new parts are no good. I would check the fuel pump again. I would start there and work my way toward the engine. I usually do not tell everyone this, but auto mechanics are similar to any other professional field. I personally use the process of elimination on difficult cases. From what you described I would definitely check the fuel delivery.