GMC Repair: Safari brakes, caliper piston, caliper brake

QUESTION: Hi Tim, I have a 2003 Safari and the right rear brake is sticking. I already changed the pads and the brake is still getting hot. Would it be logical to replace the caliper? or where else could be the problem? all other brakes work fine and no check brakes light is on.

ANSWER: see if you can compress the caliper, if you can than it is most likely not the caliper, could be a hose collapsed, also check the slides to make sure the caliper can move freely and is not hanging up

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Tim,thanks for your speedy answer, I checked the caliper and it compressed without problem at least it felt like they normally do. The hose looked OK and not collapsed. The slides were very tight so I freed them up to let the pads move freely but after I assembled all, the brake still got hot.
This problem only happened before (different cars)when the Caliper piston was all the way out due to a worn pad but in this case it started when the pad was only half worn with the  piston still half in and a new pad acted the same way.
At this point I would say it's between the caliper, brake cylinder or booster. What would you do next?

its either the caliper or hose if it was the master cylinder or booster all the brakes would be hanging up.  Hose could be collapsed internally and you will not see it.  Apply the brakes with the vehicle off the ground then release them, try to spin the tire that is the issue, if it will not spin, i would have to say that the hose is not allowing the fluid back into the master cylinder