i have a yr 94 gmc safari pass van that i would like to know where the fuel pump fuse is, i found the relay under the hood, but cant locate the fuse - I need to release pressure to the filter before removal of filter.
2nd: I have a coolant leak and cant find the source of leak. any suggestions?
Last but least: Engine shifts really hard, just replaced oil 4 days ago, oil filters old but woundn't accept the new filter, not sure what can be done about this.
Thanks 4 any info you can give me.
Answeryou should be able to remove pressure by opening the gas cap before you remove the filter
Coolant leak could be from a number of things, hoses, water pump, heater core, intake, I would need more info as to where you see the coolant
When you remove the old trans filter, did a small circular ring come off with it? If so, in a new GM filter kit a new ring is provided, if that ring came off, then the new filter will not stay in the valve body.