GMC Repair: 98 Jimmy Antifreeze Leek, intake manifold gasket, torque wrench
QuestionHi Mark, I am leeking antifreeze I looked hi and low and could not find source. Was dripping by oil pan and near transmission. I stoped by a local shop they said it was leeking by the intake manifold gasket in back of engine. Im thinking of taking on the challenge of trying to replace it myself as I am out of work. I am pritty good with my hands but never did this before. How bad is it to do? Will I need to remove distributor? Do I need any special tools besides a torque wrench. and do you know of any good books I can use to help.
Thanks I appreciate any help you can offer!
The best thing I can tell you is pick up a book on it. I hate to tellyou this but its out of my expertise. But like anything els if I don't know something get a book on it.If you can afford a book call the local dealership and have them print out what you need to do on this. They should be able to help you on that. Ok and Good luck