QuestionI have a 2001 Chev Tahoe 4wd 5.3 l with climate control. For the second time during cold spells (-30) my blower motor has developed a mind of its own and will not stop, even when the ignition is off. I have changed the blower motor controller part 16250785 but the problem persists. Upon removing the climate control it stopped. My climate controller is like ACDELCO Part # 1572980. Can you help
I found 2 bulletins for some issues on this vehicle, but neither addresses your concern of the blower not stopping.
If there could be some way for you to check the power going into the blower resistor, that would pinpoint if the problem is the controller or the resistor.
Also check the harness and plug for the resistor.
Make sure there are no burned terminal(s). It'll be obvious, the plastic will melt between terminals.
I wish I could be of more help.
Please let me know if I can.... I can send diagnostic sheets for "blower always on".
Just let me know.