GMC Repair: 2002 Enovoy heated seat Hot Spot, upholstery work, carpet tape

My 2002 GMC Envoy has developed a Hot spot on the Drivers seat.  Would that be a bad element, and if so are they readily available, and are they difficult to change out?

It does sound like a faulty heater element.
They are avalible from GM I know for sure. Aftermarket, I doubt, but not known for sure.
Diffuculty, I really dislike interior and trim work, but it has to be done. Seats and seat covers are diffucult for me personally. But I do not like doing them. The seat cover will need to be removed and the element replaced. MOST heater elements are taped to the foam with double sided tape, similar to carpet tape used in homes.
If you enjoy or have a working knoledge of upholstery work, you'll be able to do this just fine.
Thats my advice.
I hope this helps

Good Luck