QuestionQUESTION: My GMC Sierra 2002 1500 4x4 reverse went out when backing into my driveway in 4 wheel drive. Sounds like it's in neutral, does not work in 2 wheel drive now either. Did something snap, is there an easy fix?
Is the transfer case motor moving? Can you hear it clunking?
If so You probabally have an internal transmission failure (Reaction shell stripped out?)
If you cannot hear the motor turning the T. case, it MAY be stuck in nuetral and if the Tcase is then there will be NO movement of the truck.
Please if you need more help, follow post back
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It works fine in drive other than it revs up to almost 4000 rpm before shifting and in park it sounds a little funny. I was hoping it might be just a solenoid, a pin, or something that isn't extremely expensive?
Thanks Pawl!
From the revving to change gears and the park noise (a metallic noise?) it then sounds VERY much like the reverse reaction shell stripped out.
It is a VERY common trait of the 4L60E trans.
It will, unfortunatly, need to be removed and disassembled about half way down.
If your going to have it done, I would consider 2 options
1) having it TOTALLY rebuilt by a reputable tranny tech.
2)considering a SRTA from GM. That is a replacement trans that will come with a 3yr, 50k warranty.
The cost is alittle higher, but the warranty....
Of course, getting the reaction shell replaced ONLY will not be a high dollar, just the labor. (about 8 hrs to Remove and replace tranny ONLY on a 4wd).
Please follow post back, if needed.
Good Luck