QuestionQUESTION: I have a 1998 GMC 4.8 SLT 4x4 veh starts great when cold, after running for a while and I turn off engine when I try to restart the engine, it cranks & cranks several time B-4 it will start. It's almost like it is not getting fuel for a bit. Any Ideas?
Do you have either the engine size incorrect, or the year.
Either way I would check the fuel pressure.
I'll give you specs, if you send either the correct year or engine size.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes the info is correct manufactured date is 12/98 and it is a 4.8L new body style
A 12/98 will be a 1999 YEAR model.
Anyways, it REALLY sounds like you have a fuel pump problem OR the fuel pressure regulator is beleeding off.
You can pull the vacuum line off the regulator and if there is ANY gas at all, the regulator is faulty.
If it checks OK< the fuel system specs are 55-62 psi.
I hope this helps