GMC Repair: No injector pulse, injector pulse, system checks

1998 Yukon 5.7, no injector pulse. Power to injectors, pulsed - OK, good spark, good fuel pressure, no trouble codes, 180-200 rpm's on monitor while cranking, checked power and grounds - ok, replaced crank and cam sensors, stuck in another ecm, same problem.
Any ideas?

I would check the security system first.
Make sure you do not have any codes in the BCM or the VTD system.
IF the security system checks out, check for pulse AT the PCM connector for each injector.
If no pulse there AND you have cranking RPM's, then it almost certianly has to be the PCM.
If you have pulse at the PCM then the wire harness from PCM to injector passthrough connector has a problem.
Hope this helps