GMC Repair: no heat, coolant level, gmc sierra

I recently purchased a 97 gmc sierra k3500 w/ a 6.5 L turbo-diesel.  After a few days running it in about 20 degree weather, i noticed the heater refused to blow hot air. I've heard that diesels just inherently don't get as hot as a gasser, something about them being more efficient. Could this be a problem with the heater core, or maybe one of the thermostats(2 on this model engine) are stuck open. My temp guage doesn't move above 160, no matter how long i been running it. Assuming the guage isn't malfunctioning, doesn't that basically rule out the heater core? If so, what are the chances of both t-stats being stuck??? I live in northern alaska where winters are like 40 below for months on end. Not here yet, but we just had our first snow so it's kinda crucial.

I would check the basics first, proper coolant level, etc...
There is a possibality the 'stat(s) could be stuck opened, or maybe missing.
I would really concentrate on the stats first. Make sure there are no leaks. Make sure there are no air pockets.
I think you're going in the right direction.
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