GMC Repair: 97 Chevy Cav removing wheel studs, wheel studs, brake caliper
QuestionWorking on a wifes Cavalier. The mechanic did not tighten the lugnuts after repairs. Wife complained of noise, when i got to her two studs were brok clean and all lnuts were loos. Mechanic is a family friend so i own the mistake. PROBLEM. Is there some secret position the wheel has to be in to get the studs out after punching them? Do I need to remove the tie rod or brake pad or the center 1 1/8" nut? Please advise. Thanks!
The PROPER way to do it is to remove the whol;e hub assy (large nut, all brake hdwe, etc...)
It CAN fit out if you remove the brake caliper, and rotor.
You'll see I think its at about the 2oclock position it will fit through. NOT positive about the position, but you'll be able to tell.
I Hope this helps.
Good Luck