GMC Repair: 01 Chevy Express 3500 5.7L V8, gmc savana van, crankshaft pulley
QuestionI was hoping you might be able to help me out as this model is similar to the GMC Savana Van. I noticed that while idling, my crankshaft pulley seems to wobble a little bit. All of the bolts are tight & it doesn't feel loose. It runs & drives ok. I'm just wondering if that's something I need to be concerned about or if by chance that's normal? If not, any idea of repairs needed & approximate cost? I'm also curious if this model uses a harmonic balancer, and if so, any chance that could be related to this? I'm not as well versed on this as I'd like to be, so any insight you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I've only recently noticed the pulley wobbling, so it hasn't been checked in a repair shop yet. Thanks for any help you can give me!
The balancer and pulley are one assembly.
If there is any problem with one, both will need to be replaced.
Personally, if it is not causing any abnormal vibration I would not worry about it.
If it will give you peace of mind, then I would say to take it to a repair shop and just have a person diagnose it that can actually see and feel the problem.
Cost? 1.5 to 2.5 hours labor, and parts would be dependent on aftermarket or OEM parts.
I Hope this helps.
Good Luck