GMC Repair: 2004 Yukon XL AC, 2004 yukon xl, yukon xl

Just changed the battery and the AC is only blowing cold on the passenger side.  Did the mechanic do something wrong?

No. It is a common issue with that HVAC system.
The best thing to do is take it to the dealership OR a repair shop that has GM reprogramming capibilities.
There is an updated program for the HVAC actuators so this does not happen.
The actuators will then need calibration, but it should do this on it's own.
Alot of times the problem will come and go, maybe one day it'll blow correct and a few days later, it will act up again.
You MAY also want to get the system scanned for codes.
That'll hel;p in diagnosis of HVAC system.
Hope this helps.
Good Luck