GMC Repair: 1993 gmc jimmy turn signal, turn signal switch, left turn signal

QUESTION: I have a 1993 gmc s15Jimmy the left turn signal flashes very fast in the rear the front does not work at all i have replaced bulbs and the front socket and also the rear bulb i got a test light out and there is no power in the front except when you turn on the park light then both terminals in the socket have power any help would be greatly appreciated

from your symptons I would have to guess at either the flasher or the turn signal switch.
Does the emergancy flashers work OK?
If so I would GREATLY suspect the flasher.
I hope this helps.
Just advice from experience
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: all of the emergency flashers work except the left front  same as the turn signal

I only see two things then it could be.
There is a ground G125 located JUST above the light screwed into the radiator support. You can check that ground, making sure it is clean and tight.
Only other thing after that is thwe turn signal switch.
It CAN be faulty for just one side or the other.
I hope this helps