GMC Repair: 2000 GMC Safari intermittent miss, gmc safari, oxygen sensors
QuestionNo codes are being produced thru the PCM (checked 3 times)
at aoto repair shop. There is an intermittent miss when cold start-up is preformed doesn't seem to be at idle and most ususally goes away but not allways. New fuel pump,fuel filter and oxygen sensors. Complete tune-up @ 110,000 miles. Ran great for about 1-2 months then this started. Any suggestions?
2 suggestions
1) have the shop check the DISTRIBUTOR cap and rotor again and check for corrosion due to water.
If it is corroded again this soon, they can remove the EIP screens from the bottom of the distributor (2 TINY screens mounted in the bottom of the distributor.
2) hvae them preform a fuel INJECTOR flush, not an INDUCTION flush but a injector flush. There is a special procedure GM recommends using high air pressure (75psi), twice, using GM Top Engine Cleaner and gas mixed.
Just suggestions.
Good Luck