QuestionWhat would be the central problem in an electrical system that shorts out like when you try to put the windows down. The wipers, clock, cd player, and probably other things all stop working until you shut the vehicle off for what seems like long enough to let the electrical cool down. Start it up everything is working again. Took it to an automotive electrician and the problem would not occur for him. He checked everything said it was fine. Now the problem is occurring non-stop.
The power windows are on a circuit breaker. When these breakers "trip", they will make the windows stop working until the breaker "cools Down". The system will then work until the short occurs again and Trips the breaker.
The Wipers, clock/entertainment system are all fuse driven.
That being said, so you understand, it looks like the 2 things I see thy have in common are the Ignition switch and the BCM (Body Control Module).
It looks as if the Ignition switch feeds an input to the BCM and from there the BCM allows 12 volts RAP power out.
This RAP power feeds the PWR WDO ( 30A power Window breaker), RRWPR fuse (25A rear wiper fuse #23), RDO BATT fuse (10A Radio Battery fuse #17) and WIPER fuse (25A wiper fuse #11).
Now to tell you which one is malfunctioning? All I could tell you to do, is have your mechanic hook a DVOM (Digital Voltmeter) WITH MIN/MAX feature on it. Hook it to the BROWN power circuit off the ignition switch and just do until the fault sets. If the voltage drops out from like 12Vdc to anything below 10vdc, its PROBABALLY your ignition switch.
If the voltage stays above 12 while the malfunction is taking place, it's probabally the BCM. OR the brown wire MAY have an open or a short causing this fault.
Thats about as pinpoint as I can get, without having the vehicle here.
I Hope this helps.
JUST advice from experience.
Good Luck