GMC Repair: 1997 GMC Savanna 2500 Van, gmc savanna, theft deterrent system

Hello, Have 97 GMC Savanna 2500 Van with 4.3L Auto Transmission that starts & runs for appox 1.5 Hours then dies.  Will not Restart.  When cool; will restart.  Have it towed to garage for stalled no start; starts when it reaches garage.  Have replaced Fuel Filter & Fuel Pump & Fuel Pump Relay & Oil Pressure Sensor.  When Van Stalls & is tried to start; we cannot hear Fuel Pump in Tank.  When Cool; can hear fuel pump & starts.  When van will not start, can make fuel pump work by jumpering it, so I am losing power/signal or something going to Fuel Pump, right??  Need help in where to go from here!  Thanks in advance for your help.

I did checking and I came up with a few things to check.
First I would check the Ignition control module (ICM) it is located on the Right Valve cover (According to my manual). This sends the pulse references to the VCM to keep pump voltage.
If possible you may want to have the vehicle scanned and watch the data for the Crank sensor make sure it is showing RPM's. The VCM powers up the pump determined on RPM's being received. The ICM also uses RPM's to control spark
So hook a scanner to vehicle watch RPM's when it WILL NOT start, but you jumping relay will be bypassing this.
Does your gauges have a "security" light?
If so, your VTD (Vehicle Theft Deterrent) system MAY also be malfuncting. You also should be able to watch this data with a scanner . see if it says VTD Fuel  -  Enabled or Disabled. Should be Enable If disabled, check the VTD system.
I Hope this leads you to a olution.
More than welcomed to follow post.
Just advice from experience.
Good Luck