GMC Repair: surburn not getting fuel, fuel pump relay, orange wire

QUESTION: i replaced the fuel filter and pump. and still not getting fuel its in a 1990 surburn do they have relay switches and where would it be?
Is the pump running? Is The fuel pump getting power? Did you happen to notice the connector where the wires plug into the top of the fuel sender from the pump? That is a common area for the  wires to be faulty.
There is a relay and a fuse on the right firewall.
Please let me know and if you need more assistance, please let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no the fuel pump is not running. i replaced it. and still have no power to the fuel pump. can't find rely or fuse.more detil on where they are please

Fuel pump relay AND fuse are located on the under the hood, right side of the firewall around where the air conditioning goes. The relay has 5 wires, orange, red, dark green/white, black/white, and either a tan/white or pink and blake. The tan/white(pink/black) is the fuel pump feed circuit. It passes through a 20A fuse located DIRECTLY NEXT to relay. The orange wire is the 12 v feed for the relay. it should be hot at all times. The green/white is the ECM fuel pump control ckt. The red is a test ckt. The black/white is the relay ground.
Let me know if there is any more I can help with
JUST suggestions from experience.
Good Luck